22 December 2009
Grandma Aura's Tourtiere ♥
Tourtiere Pie
Makes one pie
11/2 pounds lean pork finely grind
1/2 pound veal
l large onion chopped finely
3/4 tsp salt & 1 tsp pepper
1/2 tsp thyme
1/4 tsp mace (optional)
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp all spice
1/4 tsp cinnamon
3/4 cup chicken stock OR 1/2 cup stock and 1/4 cup white wine. (Do not use a chicken cube...too salty)
1/2 cup instant potato flakes...or 1 large potato grated or cooked and mashed finely with a fork.
Sauté onions
Add pork and veal and cook on med heat, breaking up the meat until it is in fine pieces.
While cooking and mixing add your spices...really measure
the spices carefully...scrape any spices off the top of the tsp with a knife. It has to be even.
Add stock or stock & wine
Add potato
Simmer for a few min...taste a little mixture and if you feel it need more salt add just a little at a time and keep tasting.
If there is a lot of juice add more potato ...again a small amount at a time until you see the mixture thicken up but not to much.
Cool to room temp...or if the mixture gets to cold...bring it to room temp for easy handling.
Place in prepared pastry shell and freeze...bake at 375 if frozen or 350 if not freezing. for about 1 hour to 1 1/2 hours if from the freezer.
9 December 2009
To the new grandmother I met in Toronto airport Dec 7
The girl's name Aura \a(u)ra\ is pronounced AWR-ah. It is of Latin origin, and its meaning is "wind". Greek mythology: Aura was the goddess of breezes. The word is used to describe the atmosphere surrounding an individual.
Aura has 6 variant forms: Aure, Aurea, Auria, Auriana, Ora and Oria.
from: http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/Aura
Meaning: The Latin name Aura means - golden
Variants: Ora
Star-gazing onlookers will relate this name to the word describing a person's presence, but you can quickly explain that the word also has different meanings. Free-spirited yet serious, it's a great, short choice.
Aura is a English girl name. The meaning of the name is `Soft Air, Breeze` Where is it used? The name Aura is mainly used In English. From Old English. Aura doesn`t appear In 2007`s top-1000 name list.The last time Aura appeared In the top-1000 was 118 years ago, In 1890. It ranked #946 In that year. . 1890 was a `top year` for the name Aura.