22 March 2016

"About all those changes that have been going on ... "

This explains ALOT.


End to Begin: Full Moon Eclipse.
Via Emily Priceon Mar 20, 2016
libra full moon

Eclipses come in pairs, and the Full Moon in the sign of Libra on March 23rd (check the time/date for your location below) brings a Lunar Eclipse on the Libra-Aries axis.

This is the culmination of the eclipse energy birthed during the solar eclipse in Pisces on March 8th.

A penumbral lunar eclipse occurs when the Sun, Earth and Moon are aligned in syzygy—three celestial bodies aligned to form a straight line—and the Earth blocks some of the Sun’s light from the surface of the moon creating a shadow. (Visually, this eclipse will be subtle, but still visible in North America, most of South America, Australia and most of Asia.)

Eclipse season brings extra power and heat to our lunar events and how they impact us. We often feel the eclipses as endings, beginnings and major energetic shifts in our lives.

As an astrologer, I’ve observed that the solar eclipse earlier in March did not fail to deliver some much needed change to many of my clients. If we have been feeling stagnant in some areas of life, this lunar eclipse will provide a push or a nudge into a new realm. Sometimes we choose it, sometimes it chooses us—and change is not usually comfortable, or sometimes even desired. It can be helpful and comforting to know that major life shifts occurring now are, essentially, happening on a divine schedule (even if it does not match our planned schedule!)

Collectively, we have experienced a lot of reviewing and clearing these past months. First, Uranus went direct after a long retrograde period on December 25th, 2015, very close in time to the (Christmas) Full Moon in Cancer. There has been a lot of Uranian lightning bolt-type energy zinging about these past months (more on Uranus can be found here). We then had an intense Mercury Retrograde period that characterized the first month or so of 2016; I couldn’t help having a secret smile each time I heard someone remark that they almost felt their year began in February rather than on January 1st—aligning perfectly with the end of the mercury retrograde period!

Even if not always consciously, we do feel the planets and their power. Societal influences may have been telling us to go running full force into our 2016 plans, but larger cosmic energies were at play encouraging us to review, sort through and revisit unresolved themes throughout the month of January.

By Valentine’s Day (that’s February 14th if you’re outside the U.S.), we emerged from the retrograde shadow period. The first new moon post-shadow was the Solar Eclipse on March 8th. It was, in my opinion, the first New Moon of the year that really carried the true forward momentum we associate with the new moon energy. We were truly post-retrograde and probably handling some golden insights based on what had been revealed to us during that time. There was a little wink from the multiverse; however, it being an Eclipse, some unexpected surprises and shake-ups may have come along with that new moon seed energy. Chiron and Saturn were major players in that lunar event and the theme seemed to be that of collective encouragement to take some real action around our own healing and our deepest level of service to other beings in this life.

Now, here we are, on the brink of the cherry on top of this recent cycle—the Lunar Eclipse. Mercury is involved here too, tightly conjunct the Sun in Aries (opposite the Libra Moon), and Uranus is also conjunct the Sun by sign in Aries. In some way, this Lunar Eclipse in Libra is the period at the end of the sentence. It is not the end of the book (although for some of us, something major enough may be culminating for it to feel like that!), but there is definitely value in a moment of pause at this time to look around and see what was unearthed, rebirthed, or cycled away in these past months. The sign of Libra is known for her focus on balance, harmony, beauty and friendship.

When we have an Eclipse on the Libra-Aries Axis, we are essentially being asked to look at “I” versus “We.”

Where do we end and others begin? How are we balancing our needs and wants with those of others?

Mercury always highlights communication. What is our inner dialogue? How do we communicate with Self? Are our thoughts and words that we share with ourself and others in alignment with what we most want?

Do we make space for balance and beauty? Or are there times where we tread into the waters of overconcern with our appearance, self-consciousness, or being too limited by what others may think of us?

Mars is sextile to this Moon, so there is some extra oomph to power us past these limits. Use it!

Think of the bright light of the Libra Full Moon as a spotlight showing us the truth of where we’ve been since last March and the divine trajectory of where we might be headed. The energy of this lunar eclipse is actually perfect for the Tax Season vibe we’re in the midst of here in the States. It is the moment for a full inventory—not just the two weeks since the Solar Eclipse, but the overarching cycle of the last year, and the mini-review cycles within that (such as retrograde periods).

Thorough review and assessment can be an arduous and tedious processes, but there is no doubt we will perform our work with greater ease, elegance and grace in the new cycle if we lovingly offer our precious time and attention to an honest look at our losses and gains. Making peace with the past is challenging, especially since the Libra Moon opposing Mercury in Aries might bring up a storm of conflict between the rational, more diplomatic mind and the hard-wired gut instinct.

As with most strong waves of emotion and awareness, knowing that the experience is temporary can help a great deal. Bringing awareness to what we are feeling and thinking without immediately acting upon it is a good lunar eclipse protocol for anyone. Much will be revealed to us, but emotions will be simultaneously running high. We can take some time to process and set our sights on April’s new moon for next steps.

Allow the storminess of the lunar eclipse to pass and trust that any upheaval is clearing space for fresh opportunities. If you’re curious about how this Eclipse may be affecting your chart personally, look to the house of Libra in your own natal chart and any planets there for greater clarity and insight.

Full Moon Journaling Exercise:

The Eclipses come in pairs, every six months. This Eclipse cycle crystallizes the past year and its lessons by looking back to other related Eclipses. To get a sense of what this lunar eclipse may mean for you, there are a few dates to review. The timeline runs from March 2015 to September 2016, with peak moments occurring September 2015 and March 2016 (now!).

Think back along this timeline.

What stands out? Is there any significant thread or theme?

Allow yourself space to process through the events of the past 12 months.

What lessons are you taking with you? Can you see where you might be headed by September 2016?

If there is something you are still carrying that you won’t want to take with you to that culmination point approximately six months from now, this is a good time to begin releasing it. If you see clearly what that is, write it down and burn the paper four days before the next new moon. Use this full moon to see clearly, with balance, grace, and ease, and to release the unnecessary before entering into the next cycle of unfolding.

Clear a simple space for a full moon altar, if you do not already have one, and place your most sacred intention there, along with a note of gratitude for all the work you have done so far. Surround it with beloved images and objects in line with your intention. Light a stick of incense to send your prayers upward and connect consciously with Spirit. You can return there throughout the next week to allow your insight to open and grow.


Lunar Eclipse Dates and Times:

March 23rd 5:02 a.m. PST (Los Angeles)

March 23rd 12:02 p.m. UTC (London)

March 23rd 8:02 a.m EST (New York)

March 23rd 11:02 p.m. AEDT (Sydney)

March 23rd 5:32 p.m. IST (Delhi)