I turn 47 tomorrow. That's messing with my mind. I feel like a teenager lately with my biggest goal being to FigureMyShitOut.
I'm work in water treatment after spending years and big piles of money to certify for this career but I am a stranger in a strange land there most of the time.
I have the opportunity again to run my late father's restaurant (I know, AGAIN??). But do I ::really:: want to do that?? Like really, really, really?
I volunteer with my local conservation authority and am a newly annoited Neighbourhood Leader for a food rescue organization. I love the volunteer work but it does not pay the bills.
I'm interested in permaculture and aboriginal knowledge of the land and water and spend alot of time on building understanding through ceremony. But I was not born to native parents and may or may not have aboriginal ancenstry so there are times where I feel like I don't belong in some of those circles.
And of course there's the physical acrobatics. My body reminds me at very irregular times with either a no show or a flood that the clock ticks are counting down. My mood is just as unpredictable.
Physical. Emotional. Mental. Spiritual.
Working on one at a time these days.
Thanks for reading...