8 December 2015

I am so grateful to wake up every day. I have choices today that I didn't have five years ago, not because they weren't there but because I never believed they were. I thought I had to wait and follow and now I know I can jump and lead. 

This winter I will be working on making my dreams reality and I have a framework of what that looks like in my head. The job is to put it on paper and #MakeitHappen. Exciting to come out of that fog of indecision and lace up my big girl boots for a change. Since I began to recover from drug and alcohol abuse, I've been building up pieces of a shattered life, its no wonder I feel scattered too. I'm beginning to accept the fact of my muddled mind and emotions and embrace the fact that it's the #WayItIS or will be for the next couple of years at least. 
