22 June 2009

NCC : 10 Gifts to Canadians

Nature Conservancy of Canada Celebrates Canada Day All Week Long

TORONTO, June 22 /CNW/ -


The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is celebrating Canada Day all week
long with 10 gifts for the nation. NCC's eighth annual Gifts to Canadians will
ensure the conservation of vital habitat in every province across our home and
native land.
Together the 10 Gifts to Canadians total just over 556 square kilometres
- that's an area slightly bigger than the Island of Montreal. Events will be
held from coast to coast to celebrate this lasting natural legacy for all
The acquisition and long-term care of all 10 properties is made possible
thanks to the support of NCC's many partners, including the Government of
Canada's Natural Areas Conservation Program. This unique public-private
partnership helps non-profit non-government organizations secure ecologically
sensitive lands to ensure the protection of our country's diverse ecosystems,
wildlife and habitat.
It has been two years since the government entrusted NCC with an
investment of $225 million in the program. To date, using these funds, NCC has
secured 83 properties and 182,337 acres under the program.
By working with its many partners, NCC has leveraged funds in the program
to conserve an additional 236 properties (72,695 acres), for a total of 319
properties (255,032 acres), protecting habitat for more than 74 species at


"Hard-working Canadians from every walk of life helped us to protect
these lands. This is our chance to give something back. Through our Gifts to
Canadians, NCC recognizes the great conservation work being done. It's our way
of saying thank you. What better gift for Canadians than to ensure a lasting
natural legacy?" John Lounds, President and CEO of the Nature Conservancy of
"I am proud to mark the second anniversary of the Natural Areas
Conservation Program, a great partnership between the Government of Canada and
non-government conservation organizations, such as the Nature Conservancy of
Canada, that has yielded concrete results with the conservation of important
lands across our country," said Canada's Environment Minister Jim Prentice.
"This is a great example of what public-private partnerships can achieve when
sharing the same objectives of conserving and protecting Canada's


- This year's biggest Gift to Canadians, Darkwoods, marks the largest
single private conservation project in Canadian history. At 136,000
acres (55,000 hectares), it spans an area nearly 140 times the size
of Stanley Park.
- The securement of this year's Gifts will help protect the habitat of
numerous species at risk, including Grizzly Bear, Mountain Caribou
and Loggerhead Shrike.
- Natural lands, clean air and water are vital to Canada's ecological
integrity and our national identity. Conserving these areas
contributes to the health and well-being of all Canadians.
- Many of the protected properties provide vital links to larger
landscapes, creating networks of protected areas that give species
the room to survive and thrive, especially in the face of climate
- The Government of Canada's Natural Areas Conservation Program is an
important on-the-ground initiative that is expected to result in the
long-term protection of more than 2,000 square kilometres of
ecologically sensitive lands across Canada.

Learn More

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is Canada's leading land
conservation organization. Since 1962, NCC has helped to protect more than 2
million acres (800,000 hectares) of ecologically significant land nationwide.

Gifts to Canadians details and media event schedule, click here